Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Should Financial Literacy be taught to Kindergarteners?

While reading this article, I remembered when I had to take my course on financial literacy in high school. It was an online module course, and it was given to you during your freshman year, and you had up until you graduate to complete it. There were around 37 modules in total with 10 questions each with a prompt right before. These prompts would either define some vocabulary or make up a scenario corresponding with the topic at hand. None of this was, of course, helpful to us at all. It was a mere tedious task that everyone procrastinated on and completed it within a week of graduation; or even closer. In order to fully grasp and understand a concept, for most people, it includes: a classroom-like setting where people raise their hands and ask questions and dive deep into the topic at hand.

Agreeing with the article, it argues that teaching kids as early as in kindergarten how to count money, contribute to a classroom economy, and create a class business is essential for people who live in this economy and in this modern age, (Kruse, 44). Once you teach a certain subject to a very young child, they'll pick up on it quickly and most likely remember it for the rest of their lives. Research has been shown that the results have been children gaining an entrepreneurial institute of innovative thinking and developed a personal responsibility for finances (Kruse, 45). The results are conclusive and there is no reason why the schools' curriculum doesn't include teaching about financial literacy.

Learning financial literacy should be a must. The lack of this knowledge of financial literacy and the lack of financial responsibility in the United States has been linked to lots of government entitlement spending (Kruse, 42). Growing to almost 100 times higher than it was in 1960 was in 2010, these entitlements have grown to nearly 10 percent per year for the past 50 years, (Kruse, 43). Financial mistakes can easily be avoided if we were taught the concept when we were younger and had it continuously forced and drilled into our heads throughout all of our schooling (K-12). There have been many of these websites, such as the one I mentioned that my high school used, that carry these courses that are for only a short period of time, (Kruse, 43). That doesn't allow habits enough time to form, so it goes in on ear, and out the other, (Kruse, 43).

The last thing you'd want when you grow older is to accidentally sign off on a bad deal for a car or a house when you know, you took an online financial literacy class, they taught you what to watch out for, but you can't seem to remember anything because you took the class once in all of your schooling. Mistakes like the one listed above could've been easily avoidable if financial literacy was drilled into heads young. Teachers all the time do it for PEMDAS or y=mx+b. The only reason I still remember the formula and the abbreviation was because it was enforced almost all through my childhood.

1 comment:

Should Financial Literacy be taught to Kindergarteners?

While reading this article, I remembered when I had to take my course on financial literacy in high school. It was an online module course, ...